Quel futur pour les Palestiniens et les Israéliens ? Regards croisés des sociétés civiles palestinienne et israélienne. (English below)
Samedi 5 octobre 2019 de 14:00 à 21:00 / Neimënster, 28 Rue Münster, Salle Dune, L-2160 Luxembourg
Après des décennies d’un prétendu processus de paix entre Palestiniens et Israël, il n’y a plus guère à espérer des politiciens. Depuis longtemps, les sociétés civiles palestinienne et israélienne ont décidé de prendre leur destin en main. Que font-ils? A quoi font-ils face? Comment s’organisent-ils? Qu’est-ce qui fonctionne, qu’est-ce qui ne fonctionne pas? Comment imaginent-ils le lendemain du conflit? Comment pouvons-nous les aider, ici en Europe? Sur ces sujets, nous écouterons neuf Palestiniens et Israéliens engagés qui partagent la conviction que les êtres humains sont égaux et que chacun jouit des mêmes droits. Nous discuterons avec eux, ils discuteront ensemble. La musique et la poésie feront partie du dialogue.
Interventions en anglais, traduction orale directe vers le français
What future for Palestinians and Israelis? Views from the Palestinian and Israeli civil societies
After decades of a so-called peace process between Palestinians and Israel, not much can be expected from the politicians. Since a long time, the Palestinian and Israeli civil societies have decided to take their fate into their own hands. What are they doing? What are they facing? How do they organise? What is working, what is not? How do they imagine the day after the conflict? How can we help them, here in Europe? On those topics, we will listen to nine highly dedicated Palestinians and Israelis who all share the belief that humans are equal, and every human being is entitled to the same human rights. We will discuss with them, they will discuss together. Music and poetry will be part of the dialogue.
Welcoming, Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg Minister of Foreign Affairs
First session: Testimonies, Facts and actions
Where we are standing?, Gideon Levy, journalist at the daily Israeli Haaretz
To educate is to resist, Nabila Kilani, Educational and training Center, Gaza
The struggle in East-Jerusalem, Mera Ghoul, Popular Committees of Silwan
When fighters wage peace, Combatants for Peace, Yonathan Shapira, Cofounder of combatants for peace in 2005
How I came to refuse, Tamar Alon, refuznik from Mesarvot (organization of young army refusers opposing the Occupation)
Second session: And now? The ways out
To coexist, how? Neve Shalom, a model?, Raida Aiashe Katib, Wahat al-Salam – Neve Shalom (Oasis of Peace)
Peace through social change? Nisreen Shehada, Standing Together (grassroots movement of Jews and Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel)
The acknowledgement of the Other, Eitan Bronstein, Zochrot and Decolonizer
Will women change the future? Huda Abu Arqub, Women Wage Peace
Buffet, music, poetry, exhibition
With the support of: European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine, Association belgo-palestinienne, Associations France Palestine Solidarité, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden zu Nahost, Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique, Forum
Interventions en anglais, traduction orale directe vers le français