Newsletter – 6 December 2021


  • As part of the CPJPO Ciné-Club

Friday December 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Altrimenti Cultural Center: Mohammed’s “Broken” Alatar

A Palestinian Journey Through International Law: This film is a gripping documentary on the international law, its broken promises, the International Court of Justice, the wall of Israel in Palestine as well as the duties and deficiencies of the international community.
The screening will be followed by a debate in the physical presence of producer Stefan Ziegler.

  • Postponed !!! : Weekend of December 11 and 12, 2021: Creative writing workshop

MURS-MURS: Writing Palestine – The Creative Writing Workshop offered by CPJPO & led by Jean Portante “MURS-MURS” is being postponed most probably till June. The reason are the new covid measures and the G2 rule prohibiting non vaccinated people to participate, even though they present a negative test result.

The objective of the workshop is to create the conditions for the emergence of the novel in writing. Each participant will be led, by writing techniques, to enter into the depth of words and of the hidden links they have between themselves… Which will lead to the poem.

The vehicular language will be French, but contributions in other languages ​are welcome. Details and registration:

  • Moments of meetings and end-of-year conviviality

To renew contacts and warm each other up in a somewhat freezing period, the CPJPO offers you two meeting places :

– hiking on Sunday, December 12, about 2 hours, open and accessible to all ages, at all opinions and personal choices. It will be a moment of exchange in the heart of nature followed by a friendly aperitif (mulled wine, tea and hot chocolate).
Meeting point at the car park 1 rue du stade, L-4325 Esch / Alzette (at the Galgenberg) at 9:30 am.
More information on +352 661 073 547 (Aurélien)

– A moment of friendliness at the Christmas market (Luxembourg-City). Meet members of the CPJPO or people sensitive to the Palestinian cause, share a mulled wine, discuss actions to come and have a good time. Meet on Tuesday, December 21 at 7 p.m.
More information on +352 661 073 547 (Aurélien).
NB : The market falls under the covid-check regime.

The next CPJPO meeting will take place on Sunday January 9th at 4 pm. With lots of information and in a friendly atmosphere. More details will follow.

  • Watch on our website: the video of Amira Hass’s conference: « The violence of colonists: WHY?  » (in English)

Amira Hass is a journalist for the Israeli daily Haaretz. Her strong testimony, supported by figures
and filmed images, shows how the violence of the settlers enables Israel to dispossess the
Palestinians and seize the lands and resources of the West Bank. A co-organization of the CPJPO and by Gesellschaft Schweiz-Palästina. In English language.