CPJPO Newsletter May

AGENDA CPJPO – Luxembourg

Friday, May 20 at 7:00 p.m.: “Of Land and Bread”. Within the framework of the Cine-club. Movie in English!

At the Altrimenti Cultural Center, 5 Av. Marie-Thérèse, 2132 Luxembourg 

Doc: Of Land and Bread - Altrimenti

The Israeli Human Rights Association B’Tselem launched a Camera Project, providing video cameras and training to Palestinian volunteers in the West Bank to document their own lives under Israeli occupation.

Wednesday June 1: Judgment on the admissibility of the CPJPO’s complaint against MP Kartheiser. The judgment will bear on the question: Are defamations against a citizen and against an association covered by parliamentary immunity, even if they took place on a radio and outside the Chamber of Deputies?

Judicial City – Plateau du Saint-Esprit – JP building
L-2080 Luxemburg

Thursday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m.: Special meeting to prepare the March for Palestine 

Calling on members and volunteers to come and lend a hand. Everyone brings some snacks.

At CPJPO headquarters, 136 Rue Adolphe Fischer, 1521 Luxembourg.

Saturday June 18: March for Palestine

Festivities for the 20th anniversary of the Committee with march, speeches, entertainment and concerts.Palestinian flag cake! This is awesome...kd | Palestine food, Palestinian  food, Ramadan recipes

15:00 Departure: Place de la Constitution, Boulevard Roosevelt (bei der gëlle Fra)

6:00 p.m. Arrival at Bonnevoie cultural center (rue des Ardennes, L-1133 Luxembourg):various animations, dances, culinary stands.

From 7:30 p.m. two concerts:Marwan AbadoandLabess

Friday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m.: “La clef du Sol” a film by Muriel Jacoub. 

Within the framework of the Cine-club.At the Altrimenti Cultural Center, 5 Av. Marie-Thérèse, 2132 Luxembourg. In the presence of the director. 

A documentary film on the meaning of roots, the symbol of the key and the desire for Palestinians to return to their land.

With our friends from Lorraine:

Tuesday May 24at 8:00 p.m. KLUB in METZ: screening of the film “And there was a morning” by Eran Kolirin. A Cine-Debate evening hosted by the AFPS

Friday, June 17at 8:00 p.m. at the Klub de Metz screening of the film: “Palestine 48” in the presence of its director François-Xavier Gilles. An evening debate organized by the BDS 57 collective, the AFPS, the UJFP and the Friends of the Diplomatic World.

With our Belgian friends:

Civilian observation missions – July and October 2022 – from the ABP

The program will focus on meeting with Palestinian civil society in all its diversity and the desire to show it our solidarity. There are a few free places left.

In Germany, in Berlin, an international conference on the instrumentalization of the Holocaust

Hijacking Memory – The Holocaust and the New Right (in German)

In welchem ​​Verhältnis stehen die Ritualisierung des Holocaust-Gedenkens und der internationale Aufstieg der radikalen Rechten? Mit welchen unterschiedlichen Strategien versucht diese, das Gedenken zu kapern – und was lässt sich dem Entgegensetzen?

Donnerstag, 9.6. – Sonntag, 12.6.2022/ Ort: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, Berlin-Tiergarten


15 May 2022 – Press release from the Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East:
CPJPO condemns the assassination of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh and calls on the EU to end Israel’s impunity

Read the article here.

May 17, 2022 – Submission of a motion to the Chamber of Deputies

MP Nathalie Oberweis filed a proposition on behalf of the Déi Lenk party calling for the recognition of the State of Palestine. Motion that also calls on the government to denounce what is a de facto “annexation” of the Palestinian territories.

The video of Nathalie’s intervention

The proposition 

Forum: Wie man Antisemiten erfindetby Henri Grün
Eine Replik auf „Der ewige Sündenbock“ von Henning Marmulla

In its May edition, the monthly Forum accepted the publication of a CPJPO response to an article by its editor

Sign the petition: Action “Eis Finanzplaz 4 Human Rights”

To ask for a law obliging companies in the financial sector to respect human rights and avoid environmental damage. The CPJPO supports this campaign.

Call for donation

CPJPO supports the Jordanian environmental organization APN (Arab group for the Protection of Nature) which is trying to restore local Palestinian food systems by planting fruit trees in the Occupied Territories. While countless trees are being burnt and uprooted by the occupying forces, the association has set itself a clear objective: “They are uprooting one tree… We are replanting ten”. More info on the association and the campaign: 

Help CPJPO support this campaign by making a donation:

IBAN: LU09 0019 2855 6791 9000 BIC code: BCEELULL

Mention to indicate :“APN Campaign”

The fruit and vegetable company “Grosbusch”: 9 months suspended prison sentence

The fruit and vegetable company “Grosbusch” has been at the heart of an extensive investigation for tax evasion and embezzlement of more than 3 million euros. This same company that for years shamelessly markets products from illegal settlements


Assassination of a journalist, assassination of a child

Shireen Abu Akleh’s death resembles a cold-blooded assassination ordered by a state accustomed to impunity. The journalist was shot in the head while she was carrying out her job and was wearing a bullet-proof vest with the word “PRESS” crossed out. This Al Jazeera correspondent, born in Jerusalem to a Christian family, was a symbol of a free Palestine and though her voice has been silenced by Israel’s crimes, she will remain a national hero. She was killed a few steps from the Not to Forget center in the Jenin refugee camp. The people in charge of this project co-managed by the CPJPO knew her and respected her. On the same day the occupation soldiers murdered the young Thaer Khalil Mohammad Maslat, this time without any media coverage.

In 2021 alone, the occupying army killed 78 children, assassinations documented by the NGO Defense for Children International.

Videos: The unbearable violence of Israeli soldiers against the funeral procession of Shireen Abu Akleh

Abu Akleh's brother slams police 'brutal force' at funeral, expresses hope  for peace | The Times of Israel

Jenin refugee camp: the death of Daoud al-Zubaidi

Israeli far-right shouts ‘death to Arabs’ outside hospital

The Zubeidi family is highly respected in the Jenin refugee camp, a hotbed of Palestinian resistance and the target of regular incursions by the occupying army for years.Daoud Mohammad Zobeidi was the brother of Zakariyya Zobeidi, one of six prisoners who escaped from Gilboa in September 2021 and were re-incarcerated. The Israeli far-right, led by Knesset parliamentarian Bin-Gvir, stormed the outskirts of the hospital where Daoud was being treated to demand an end to his treatment, shouting “death to the Arabs”.

Mass expulsion in Masafer Yatta: EU and Belgium must stop ethnic cleansing! ABP press release dated 6/5/2022

The Israeli Supreme Court has just validated the expulsion of 1,200 Palestinians spread over 8 villages in the Masafer Yatta region, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. For 20 years, its inhabitants have been fighting for the right to preserve their centuries-old rural way of life and to remain on their land.

Explainer: The threat of mass expulsion in Masafer Yatta

Save Masafer Yatta

Another phase of the Palestinian Nakba, with the approval of the Israeli Justice,byHagai Al-Ad,CEO of B’Tselem

After more than 20 years of legal proceedings, judges in Jerusalem have given the government the green light to commit the war crime of forcible population transfer.

How Israeli Universities Are Embedded in the Apartheid System

Visualizing Palestine highlights Israeli academic institutions’ role in apartheid

Why our boycott of Israeli academic institutions will hurt the apartheid  regime | Middle East Eye

Sahar Francis, director of Addameer, is banned from traveling to the United States

Sahar Francis of Addameer, an association described as a “terrorist group” by Israel, was not allowed to board the plane in Ben-Gurion despite having a visa; the United States said it was reviewing the information it had received from Israel.

Brad Parker on Twitter: "BREAKING: Sahar Francis, General Director at @ Addameer and Palestinian human rights lawyer/defender, was just prohibited  from checking in to her flight to the U.S. and denied travel at

Weapons, spyware, agricultural technologies, or how Israel buys influence in Africa

The first pan-African conference of solidarity with Palestine met in early March 2022 in Dakar. In line with his grandfather Nelson Mandela who had declared: “Our liberation will not be complete until Palestine is liberated”, MP Zwelivelile Mandela denounced the growing influence of Israel in Africa.,5567

THE NAKBA, 74 years later

This May 15, 2022 was commemorated the 74th anniversary of the Nakba. On May 15, 1948, the State of Israel had celebrated his birth at the expense of 750,000 Palestinians expelled from their homeland.

A joint Israeli Palestinian gathering hosted by Combatants For Peace 

In photos: Return to the depopulated villages of Palestine

Over the past six months, Ahmad Al-Bazz has devoted most of his time to visiting and accumulating documentation on the more than 500 Palestinian villages that were emptied of their population during the Nakba of 1948 and were subsequently destroyed by the Israeli state.

What remains of the rural village of Biyarat Hanoun. In the background, we can see the stadium of the city of Netanya. (Ahmad Al-Bazz)

Video: a Palestinian Family recounts the Nakba

2022: following the example of the State of Israel, the city of Berlin prohibits any commemoration of the Nakba

United against repression: International organizations condemn Berlin’s ban on Nakba commemorations


RIAS in Germany, RIAL in Luxembourg

the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is doing much-needed work supporting people or organizations that are victims of defamation campaigns and defending freedom of expression. ELSC supported eg Dr. Anna Younes in court.Thus the Berlin Court of Justice ordered the RIAS to hand over the file with the information secretly collected to theDr. Anna Younes. The RIAS, the twin brother of the RIAL in Luxembourg, had carried out a defamation campaign against Ms. Younes which had resulted in a ban on speaking in public during a Die Linke seminar. The RIAS had secretly forwarded a dossier on Anna Younes toKatina Schubert, MP Die Linke, which led to the exclusion. The RIAS smear campaign relied on the new IHRA definition.

Germany – Case Update, Press Release from European Legal Support Center (ELSC)

German court rules in favor of scholar Dr Anna Younes in digital surveillance case

European Legal Support Center (ELSC) on Twitter: "📣 VICTORY! 🛎️ Dr. Anna  Younes who faced digital surveillance and censorship, finally got justice  after 2 years! Berlin Court, Berlin Data Protection Authority and

Video: theDr. Anna-Esther Younes explains in an interview (English, German subtitles)

Censored and monitored: Repression of German-Palestinian Academic

Is Germany paying for the surveillance of Palestinians and their supporters?

German-Palestinian academic Anna-Esther Younes was disinvited from speaking publicly after a state-funded body spread a secret dossier about her. She may not be alone.

Palestine Committee Stuttgart: Two important successes in courts (in German)

On April 26, 2022, the Regional Court of Stuttgart ruled that the account termination by BW-Bank due to BDS support is invalid. The administrative court in Stuttgart has also rejected the deletion of the Palestine Committee from the website of the city of Stuttgart.

France: The Council of State suspends the decree dissolving an association for the defense of Palestinian rights: a great victory for our freedoms

The Council of State suspended the decree dissolving the Collectif Palestine Vaincra (CPV), which had been adopted by the Council of Ministers and signed on March 9 by the Minister of the Interior. A particularly clear decision on the right to call for a boycott!

Orban in the service of Israeli apartheid, a press release from the UJFP

If the cancer department of the East Jerusalem hospital is operating in slow motion, it is because Hungary is blocking the 200 million euros that the EU has allocated to this establishment.

Ukraine and Palestine: the West embraces one resistance but demonizes another, byDavid Hearst

The defense of Ukraine in the face of Putin’s aggression has been described as heroic. So why doesn’t the Palestinian resistance get the same treatment?

Sign the petition following the assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh

“We urge France and the EU to put an end to the impunity enjoyed by Israel by taking immediate sanctions against war crimes and to protect fundamental freedoms of expression and information. »


George W Bush speaks at the George W Bush Institute (5/18/22)

Video: The telling slip from one with even more blood on his hands than Putin: “a brutal and completely unwarranted invasion of…”

Release of the book by Me Gilles Devers

East Jerusalem under the protection of international law,

 – A guide to understanding the progress of the proceedings before the ICC

This book was written to help understand what are the structuring elements of the legal history of Palestine and Jerusalem. What is the applicable law? And how will the debate be organized before the ICC? before-the-icc/

Palestine. “The battle for equal rights is a priority”

Ghada Karmi, a Palestinian scholar and author living in England, has just published in The Israel-Palestine Factory, the solution: a state. She believes with this book that the only solution to the conflict is that of a single state, where all the inhabitants would enjoy the same political and civic rights.,5601

Google and Amazon Face Shareholder Revolt Over Israeli Defense Work

“Project Nimbus” would insulate the Israeli government’s cloud computing from political pressures stemming from the military occupation of Palestine.

An Israeli border police stands guard as Palestinians make their way through Qalandia checkpoint to attend the last Friday prayer of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in Al-Aqsa mosque, Palestinian Territories, Ramallah, April 29, 2022.

To watch online: “Fertile Memory” (1981), a film by Michel Khleifi

A portrait of two Palestinian women whose individual struggles both define and transcend the politics that have torn apart their homes and their lives. In Arabic with English subtitles.

Oy, Ir Narishe Tsionistn – Oh, You Foolish Little Zionists

An old Yiddish song of Jews who in no way identify with Zionism

Writing: Claude Gregoire