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« Settler violence in Palestine: WHY? » – Videoconference with Amira Hass

Settler violence in Palestine: WHY?

A videoconference with Amira Hass journalist at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz

Violence by settlers toward Palestinians is part of daily life under occupation in the West Bank and results in deaths, injuries and massive damage to agricultural. As a rule, both the Israeli security forces and the Justice system protect the perpetrators, not the harmed Palestinians. The long-term outcome of settler violence is the dispossession of Palestinians from more and more areas in the West Bank, facilitating Israel’s policy of seizing more land and resources.

Amira Hass is journalist at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. She is the daughter of two Holocaust survivors who were active in the communist party. 

She is the first Jewish-Israeli journalist to live in the 67 Occupied Palestinian Territory. In 1993 she moved to Gaza and since 1997 she lives in Ramallah. She has first-hand knowledge of Palestinian daily life under the Israeli occupation and she testifies in her articles.   

Beyond her numerous articles, she is the author of two books. She has received numerous awards like the UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize in 2003 and the Reporters Without Borders Prize for Press Freedom.

The videoconference is a co-organization between the Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient, Luxembourg (CPJPO) https://paixjuste.lu/ and the Gesellschaft Schweiz- Palästina (GSP/ASP) https://www.palaestina.ch/de/

You will be able to participate through YouTube, in English 

The conference will take place on the Tuesday November 16th 2021 at 19:00 CET (20:00 in Israel-Palestine)

We are looking forward to Your participation.

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